The Peace with Justice Network members organised two panel presentations at the 7th International Conference on International Relations and Development (ICIRD) at UniServ Chiang Mai University, Thailand on 22nd-23rd July 2022.
Panel 1: Struggles of different ethnic education departments
Panel 2: Promoting peace and social justice in unstable multicultural settings
Dr Tejendra Pherali presented a theoretical framework relevant to analyse the multidimensional interactions between education, conflict and peace. His framework on education as victim-perpetrator-liberator-peacebuilder in conflict contexts was utilised by researchers from Myanmar ethnic education systems and Southern Thailand to highlight how education was a contested domain rather than a mere victim during conflict and protracted crisis. This was followed by the following eight presentations:
Pressures to maintain peace, wellbeing and learning of learners in Kachin ethnic areas of Myanmar during the COVID-19 pandemic and military coup
Labang Roi San, Kachin Education Department
The impact of the coup on Karenni education provision in Myanmar
Maw Mimar, Karenni Education Department
Grappling with the lack of accreditation and low resources amid growing demands of education in Karen state
Hayso, Karen Education and Culture Department
Education during emergencies: Maintaining the provision of education during forced displacement in Shan state
Nang Mwe Khur, Shan Education Department
Civil society organizations and peace education in Southern Thailand: tensions amidst multi-directional interactions between education and conflict
Thammasat Sotthibandhu, Prince Songkla University, Thailand
All that glitters is not gold: The illusion of education for peace and multiculturalism in southern Thailand’s basic education
Chawin Pongpajon, Chulalongkorn University/ University College London
Peace and conflict skills for Mon students: MNEC’s MTBMLE curricular responses to promote peace, harmony and social justice in Myanmar
Thein Naing, Education Consultant, Mon National Education Committee
The role of grassroot education organisations (CSOs) in ensuring right to education during emergencies
Hawng Tsai (Ah Sai), Thinking Classroom Foundation